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Applications close: 1st August


Programme Start: 12th August

Programme ends: 4th October


Final presentation will be online

Date TBC (late October/early November)


Join our 8 week journey from concept to prototype

  • What is the weekly content outline?
    Week 1: Soft Skills & Team Alignment & Project Planning week Week 2: Concept stage/Project planning/ Research (Pre production) Week 3: GDD/Project Planning/Artistic discipline tests Week 4: Production phase - creation Week 5: Production phase - creation (kill feature week) Week 6: Polishing game Week 7: QA testing + Beta Week 8: Second Pass & Pitching
  • Do I need to pay?
    Submitting your application is FREE, so you don't have to pay for that. If your application is chosen then you must pay the programme fees. You can pay either upfront or flexible payments are available. The fee is £15 per week for the 8 weeks of the programme. IF your application is selected this can be paid upfront or through Klarna. If you will struggle to pay £15 per week of the programme then please apply as usual and also email and we will see what we can do - We don't want fees to be a barrier to entry!
  • What is the aim of the programme?
    - Allow participants to see what it is like creating a game as done in real life in the industry condensing the timeline into 6 weeks - Learning experience - try new things, get out of your comfort zone, make mistakes and learn - Upskill participants in soft skills and project management - Simulate the experience of a real game development pipeline - Help participants try disciplines so they figure out what they want to specialise into - Help participants gain a foothold in the industry as they begin to build their network - Help introduce people to different aspects of game dev and try new skills - Allow a wide variety of participants to join from any background - Create an accessible game that is playable by anyone - Showcase participant abilities as they apply prior learnings
  • How much time do I need to put in per week
    Last year on average participants put in 20-25 hours a week. How much time you put in is up to you, but just remember, with this programme you get out of it what you put into it.
  • What is the concept/ design brief?
    ...You'll find out when the programme begins... Last year the brief was "One Dynamic" - participants had to create a game that was a single input game. Note: We do not set briefs in terms of themes or topics, that will be up to your creative control.
  • Programme timings
    Week 1 is a full week of workshops from 10am-2pm Talks will be on Mondays at either 12-1pm or 6-7pm Your mentor meetings timings will be dependant on when you and your team mentor are available. Production meetings are on Wednesdays - it is for you and your team to schedule this in so you decide what time on Wednesdays.
  • Do I need to sign up with a team?
    Not at all! Applications are assessed on an individual basis. Note: If you are signing up and would like to be put in the same team as another applicant due to a language barrier or mental health reasons please make a note of that in your application and if your application is successful we will endeavour to take this into account Your teams will have a minimum 4 and maximum of 8 people, for example (this is not typical grouping of a team but is purely an example): 1x VFX 1x Sound 2 x Artists 2 x Designers 2 x Programmers The teams will be a mix of skill sets You will join as individuals and be placed into a team akin to real life where you will work with people you haven’t met before - the programme aims to simulate a real development cycle and all that goes with it
  • Do I have to have studied Games at university/be a student to take part?
    No not at all! This programme is open to all as long as you fit the eligibility criteria... While most of last year's cohort were from universities some had never studied games in traditional education and were entirely self-taught (including someone on the winning team). Examples: Aerospace Engineer, BA, Japanese Studies, Architect used to do his work in Unreal. The TLDR is that understanding and proficiency is expected in your skills... and more than that a hunger to learn and grow that skillset, and try new things.
  • Eligibility Criteria
    TLDR: We welcome anyone who aspires to be in the games industry to apply! Eligibility is if you have NOT yet published a game or worked for a studio in an employed/professional capacity Those who can enter: University students Postgraduate students (MA/MSc/PhD) Non-students are eligible to enter as long as not currently working in the games industry. MUST NOT not currently or have ever worked in industry - This does not include internships or work experience - this is more so to ensure that those within the industry who have had paid jobs in the industry, are part of studios or between work etc but have experience in the industry are not participants as the aim of the program is to provide a stepping stone into the industry. It is understandable for graduates trying to break into the industry you may have interned etc so please do apply and we will review your applications If your application is selected your fee must be paid for your placement.
  • What experience is needed to take part?
    Experience in your field is needed - the programme is NOT for absolute beginners who have not used any such software - applicants must have solid understanding and proficiency. Experience to be within any of the following (not limited to these software but as examples): (No, you don't need to know all of the below table just have a solid understanding/proficiency of ONE of the below)
  • What should I answer for the questions?
    We know some of the questions are a bit vague but the aim is for you to answer the questions true to yourself. A lot of the questions are about you as a person and your perception/attitudes, partly so that we can match-make the teams as best as possible. The other aim of all the questions is to find out who you are and who you want to be!
  • How is the application assessed?
    The application is assessed primarily based on your portfolio and CV - more emphasis based on portfolio. That said we look at you as a whole as a person, so your attitude to learning, the effort you are willing to put in and what you want from the programme are all factors too! So all the questions in the form are contributing factors - just answer as best you can.


We may not be able to give you jobs in games directly but what we CAN do is:


  • Put you in front of the right people​

  • Give both you and the industry a chance to work together to create a game

  • Upskill you

  • Provide you with the resources you need to succeed

  • Showcase your talent

  • Put you in front of the right people

  • And if you want to take the game further, this is the beginning of your indie studio


Ready to kickstart your journey in game development?


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Mentorship for your team for the 6 weeks so you are guided in creating your product (game or prototype) from concept to pitching

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Talks to support you in journey, teaching and explaining what to think about that week based on industry experience

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Producer assigned to your team to help guide your game and help your team work cohesively and stay on track with your pipeline

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Mentor pool

While your team mentor will have their skills and guidance you can also get guidance from a mentor pool who are discipline specific mentors


  • Simulating working in the industry - Allow you to see what it is like creating a game as done in real life in the industry condensing the timeline into 6 weeks

  • Learning experience - try new things, get out of your comfort zone, make mistakes and learn in a safe environment

  • Upskilling in soft skills and project management

  • Simulate the experience of a real game development pipeline

  • Help you try disciplines so they figure out what they want to specialise into

  • Help you gain a foothold in the industry by connecting to the industry

  • Help introduce you to different aspects of game dev and try new skills

  • Allow a wide variety of participants to join from any background

  • Create an accessible game that is playable by anyone

  • Showcase your abilities as they apply prior learnings

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